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"If Gazprom has a" northern "and" South "flows and control of Ukraine's GTS, it will be ideal for manipulating the system. If the" Nabucco "will be uncontrolled Gazprom gas, Europe is not play by the rules of the Kremlin and the laws market.Photo zimbio.comRozrobka concept of the EU energy sector and its content of specific projects has recently become one of the most important directions of the main institutions of the European Union.It is devoted to this topic European Council, which in official circles in Brussels received the unofficial name "Energy EU summit. This event, scheduled for February 4, could be a landmark event for the European Union.For Brussels reached a defining moment when you need to make important decisions on investing in large-scale projects aimed at diversifying energy supplies, development of internal infrastructure, development of cooperation between EU m ... Read more »
Category: World | Views: 53483 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (53)

Speaking about the possible causes of the conflict, the Ukrainian expert did not rule out the presence of mercantile interest management supply company, which, apparently, wants to see the contract to increase the price of supplies from Ukraine. "Photo by Michael MarkivaPolscha forward as soon as possible to solve the problem of Ukrainian gas supplies to its territory through distribution points near Hrubeshiva be stopped January 1, 2011 on the initiative "Naftogaz Ukraine".Kyiv motivated his decision to change domestic law, under which the gas produced in Ukraine should go only to the domestic market and its exports, including to Poland, is prohibited.Although the supply of gas for this pipeline were minor and did not exceed 0,6% of consumption in the country, the Polish Oil and Gas Company PGNiG fundamentally disagrees with the arguments of Kyiv.The company reminded that contract, w ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 39344 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (7)

"Employers look at first, as will the automatic refund if it does not lead to new failures. Akhmetov's group should transfer to it a few companies. If everything is ok - all the others."Photo focus.uaIna number of delays the automatic launching of VAT to exporters.Switching to this mode Cabinet promised to the first of August, then - the first of January, now says about the first of March. While the Finance Ministry and the tax return prepared for operational tax, VAT debt may again begin to grow rapidly."Automatic" start failedOn the inability to switch to automatic refunds after the new year the government announced in November. As the then Deputy Finance Minister Vadym Kopylov, the development of this system need at least six months.And then chairman of the STA Papayika Alexander said the inability to switch to "automatic" because of the high amount of false applications - 1-3 bil ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 5427 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

More and more frequently heard: the dollar weakens. However, it is still expensive and the hryvnia, and for the Rouble. He was both a means and savings accounts for individuals, companies and states. Against this background, the Russian ruble in Ukraine does not shine.Photos flickr.comMspeakers for issuing foreign currency loansformally charged, but it hardly affected the amount of loans in euros and dollars. Current market conditions do not allow to issue loans as massive as it was before 2008.The fact that the importation of currency into the country as loans from Western banks and investment remains low. Even the Ukrainian banks - the daughter of Europe - in no hurry to fill the market for currency lending - consumer loans and mortgages. They say bankers, risks still too high.And the price of obtaining loan quite a bit: Down payment - 50% large bid ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 6575 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Cins for wheat on world commodity markets this week upgraded the regular long-highs. Thus, the cost of a bushel of wheat at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange came close to the mark of $ 9, or 331 dollars per ton.Thus, since the cost of this type of grain has increased by 13%.Dynamics of prices for wheat at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Source: Information and trading platform iTrader 8Thus the dynamics of rising wheat quotations are not isolated cases. During the last two quarters of rises in most agricultural products exchange. This price rally driven by a combination of factors that have a fundamental basis and purely speculative.Accepted at the end of last year, U.S. Federal Reserve's decision to launch a new program of quantitative mitigation, and in fact, dependent emission of dollars of ransom of assets, resulted in quite a natural phenomenon - the flow of funds on comm ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 3040 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Category: Ukraine | Views: 7027 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (1)

Brightness Archpastoral Blessed evidence generally recognized in Ukraine and abroad. So experience: what happens after the Patriarch Lubomir? - Not unreasonable. Head of Church unequivocally stated that the Church wants to transfer management of successor "a warm hand, and most importantly - kept word.Church life in the former Soviet Union often fluctuates between Extrema - High-rise sacred, and even exaltation, and through secular or landing almost stopping. Such wounds as the elimination of the visible structures of the Church and the repression against the hierarchy and the faithful, spiritual cripples people and spoiling ecclesial traditions, God and people healed slowly.The search for equilibrium, stability, choice of the method of broadcasting the spiritual and holy - it is probably still at the initial stage of regeneration, and normalization. This includes var ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2610 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Daily and almost without emotion Parliament voted to change the Constitution, which legalized the powers of the deputies for two years. Now the next parliamentary elections scheduled for October 28, 2012, and the first round of presidential elections - March 29, 2015, if the policy will not be accidents. Opening session of the parliament showed its attention Viktor Yanukovych. Expressing his overtures to his address, Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn too tried like sovereignty. - Reforms say all (...) But tell me: who suggested active, including mizkovu work to take the country from the predicament? Who actually proposed and outlined his vision of reform and urges the implementation is not simple transformations? President Viktor Yanukovych! Lytvyn originally protraktuvav behavior of those who question the application of power: - In general, criticism - a slave habit. And according appeals to Ukraine to b ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 1991 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Do you ever wonder what happened to the cars that served Viktor Yushchenko during his presidency? And we are not interested - until recently we saw one of them parked in front of Parliament. Since this all started and ...On the anniversary of the election of President Viktor Yushchenko in 2006, his staff decided to make a "gift".Yushchenko was not enough armored Mercedes, which he served. Therefore, the presidential fleet decided to add a car brand Range Rover.According to sources, the state enterprise Ukrspetsexport, which specializes in the sale of weapons purchased for the president of two absolutely identical, off Range Rover Vogue, which are then placed on the balance of the State Administration.Later, during the scandal of arms sales to Georgia, Member of regions even said Valery Konovalyuk alternative version of the origin of these cars - it is claimed that the silver jeeps ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 1828 | Added by: politic | Date: 11.02.2011 | Comments (0)

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko is delivering a speech in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning spreading of flu in Ukraine.

According to an  correspondent, moreover, the lawmakers of the parliament will hear a report of Health Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Knyazevych concerning this issue.
Category: Ukraine | Views: 21836 | Added by: magictr | Date: 03.11.2009 | Comments (4)

November 3 Volyn Lublin received from humanitarian assistance to protect people from the region's epidemic of influenza and ARI.

As ZAXID.NET in Rivne RSA required antiviral agent passed during the meeting of Regional State Administration Mykola Romaniuk Marshal of Lubelskie voivodship Krzysztof Hrabarchukom in customs passage "Yagodin-Dorohusk.

Remember, November 2, during a telephone conversation the head of the Volyn Regional State Administration Mykola Romaniuk informed Marshalok Lublin province about the situation in the region due to the spread of flu and lack of medicines in pharmacies online dawdle. He appealed to the Polish side to assist. And today Volhynians receive antiviral masks, and their nearly 100 thousand and apparatus for artificial pulmonary ventilation «Neftiz».

As chairman of the ODA, antiviral masks will be distributed in homes for the aged and disabled, medical institutions districts FAPy and tertsentriv employees and the citizens they se ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2295 | Added by: magictr | Date: 03.11.2009 | Comments (0)

November 8 at 9.00 am Liturgy of St. George's Cathedral, broadcast on Channel 12. According to the press service of the Lviv City Council.

"Before I asked many lvovyan request to the time of the epidemic Liturgy could see on television. Nezduzhaly and many people are not able to attend worship and want to hear the Word of God. We agreed on a regional television, and the church has on Sunday at 9:00 service will be broadcast on television. Now it is important to in a joint prayer for the health of the whole community as more people joined, so that the city was under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit "- the Mayor of the city Andrei Garden.

According to the pastor of the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church protosynkela Orest Fredyny such broadcast - a huge thing that everyone will be closer to God: "People, even those that have to be at home, have an opportunity to ask the Lord about health for themselves and others so that this problem to pass the ordea ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2041 | Added by: magictr | Date: 03.11.2009 | Comments (0)

The ruling coalition has earned in the flu epidemic. This parliamentary journalists said the People's Party of Regions MP Hanna Herman - informs ZIK correspondent in Kiev.

In particular, she said that the deputy, whose name sounded in Parliament today (Hubskyy. - Zico), is the sole distributor of the Swiss drugs (Tamiflu. "- Zico).

Herman focused on the fact that all the TV screen from the mouth of Yulia Tymoshenko is advertising is the medication. "I believe that the human mountain and trouble with the deputies of the ruling coalition is well earned. And I think that now the jag will slowly subside "

Recall the name from the parliamentary rostrum Hubska voiced by MP from the Party of Regions Yaroslav dry.

Also, the Party of Regions said that people start to panic then, when the Prime Minister with Head of the Presidential Secretariat and head of the Ministry of ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2074 | Added by: magictr | Date: 03.11.2009 | Comments (0)

  В столичных аптеках стремительно исчезают марлевые повязки и препараты по профилактике и лечению ОРЗ и ОРВИ.
Корреспонденту ForUm’a не удалось приобрести эти средства защиты от гриппа ни в одной из пяти аптеках в разных районах Киева. Стремительно «разметают» в них и противовирусные препараты.
В аптеках ОАО «Фармак» по ул. Овруцкой, Саксаганского и Фрунзе марлевых повязок и медицинских препаратов нет. Такой же ситуация оказалась в «Аптеке Матери и ребенка» №11 КМП «Фармация» в Голосеевском районе, и Аптеке Гормональных препаратов на бульваре Шевченко. Правда, в одной из аптек сети «Радо» по ул. Дегтяревской нам сообщили, что сегодня после пяти вечера некоторые противовирусные препараты, которые еще сохранились на складе компании, должны быть подвезены в торговы ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2351 | Added by: magictr | Date: 30.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Партия регионов требует немедленной отставки министра здравоохранения Василия Князевича.

Об этом заявил лидер Партии регионов Виктор Янукович в интервью журналистам в Харькове, сообщает "Интерфакс-Украина".

"Наши требования – немедленно освободить от занимаемой должности министра здравоохранения Василия Князевича и всех, кто имеет к этому отношение, – заместителей министра, руководителей департаментов", - сказал он.

Кроме того, по его словам, Партия регионов требует немедленно завезти в Украину оборудование для тестирования вируса A/H1N1.

Янукович также сказал, что Партия регионов считает, что органам здравоохранения в регионах необходимо отчитаться на сессиях местных советов об уровне готовности медучреждений к проведению профилактики и антивирусных мероприятий.

При этом он отметил, что Партия регионов готова приобрести марлевые повязки и все необходимые медикаменты.

Действия правительст ... Read more »

Category: Ukraine | Views: 2135 | Added by: magictr | Date: 30.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Государственная администрация железнодорожного транспорта «Укрзализныця» усилила противоэпидемиологические мероприятия в связи с эпидемией гриппа А(Н1N1) и распространением острых респираторных вирусных инфекций.
Об этом говорится в сообщении пресс-службы «Укрзализныци». В частности, для предупреждения распространения инфекций на железной дороге проведены инструктажи с работниками, осуществляется обязательная дезинфекция всех поверхностей, проводится информирование пассажиров в поездах и на вокзалах, проверяются фильтры в системах кондиционирования воздуха, усилен режим влажной уборки. Работники железных дорог, которые непосредственно контактируют с людьми, работают в масках. Дежурные санитарно-контрольных и пограничных пунктов опрашивают начальников поездов, пересекающих границу Украины, о наличии больных пассажиров, в частности с симптомами гриппа А (H1N1). Кроме того, на железной дороге действует оперативный штаб для координации противоэпидемических мероприятий и оперативного реа ... Read more »
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2038 | Added by: magictr | Date: 30.10.2009 | Comments (0)

Как и предполагалось, из-за эпидемии гриппа, который захватил Украину, некоторые футбольные матчи перенесены на более поздний срок.

Центральный матч первого круга в первой лиге ФК «Львов» - ПФК «Севастополь» перенесен.

«Как сообщил вице-президент ПФК «Севастополь» Евгений Репенков, встреча 17-го тура между ФК «Львов» и ПФК «Севастополь» ПЕРЕНЕСЕНА НА ВЕСНУ. Причина – пандемия гриппа A/H1N1, накрывшего Западную Украину. Распоряжением главы Львовской областной госадминистрации в области объявлен карантин, отменяющий любые массовые мероприятия, в том числе и спортивные, к коим можно отнести и футбольные матчи. По предварительной информации, по этой же причине может быть перенесен и матч 18-го тура в Тернополе», - сообщает официальный сай ... Read more »

Category: Ukraine | Views: 2115 | Added by: magictr | Date: 30.10.2009 | Comments (1)

n Ternopil a quarantine is prolonged because of high level of prevalence of flu and acute respiratory viral infection.

The press office of the city council disclosed to an UNIAN correspondent, the relevant decision was made today at the regular session of city extraordinary antiepidemic commission under chairmanship of deputy city chairman on social issues Roman Legkiy.

 During the session the head state sanitary inspector of Ternopil Volodymyr Panichev said that as of October 27 level of prevalence of acute respiratory viral infection and diseases similar to flu in the city makes up 255.5 per 10 thousands of population.

Category: Ukraine | Views: 2068 | Added by: magictr | Date: 28.10.2009 | Comments (0)

The invention of movable type and printing presses in Germany around 1450 had a tremendous and lasting influence on the cultural, social, religious, and scientific development of Europe. As the printing technologies spread  throughout the continent and allowed for a quicker and wider dissemination of knowledge, they became a major catalyst for both the Reformation and the later scientific revolution. Printed books represented the key factor in

the spread of education and literacy. In Ukraine, the first printing press was founded by Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) in Lviv in 1573. Its equipment and assets were used to found the Lviv Dormition Brotherhood Press (1591-1788), which played a key role in the history of early Ukrainian printing. Printing in Volhynia began after Fedorovych entered the service of Prince

Kostiantyn Ostrozky and founded what became the important Ostrih Press  (1577-1612 ... Read more »

Category: Ukraine | Views: 2419 | Added by: magictr | Date: 28.10.2009 | Comments (0)

HOPES FOR a clean presidential election campaign in Ukraine have been dashed in its opening days, as allies of the two main contenders trade accusations of rape and child abuse.

Pro-western prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her more Russia-friendly rival Viktor Yanukovich are expected to run neck-and-neck in the January 17th ballot, with incumbent head of state Viktor Yushchenko trailing far behind.

Long-time rivals who routinely accuse each other of incompetence and corruption, Ms Tymoshenko and Mr Yanukovich have yet to personally lock horns in this fledgling campaign, but their supporters are already slinging mud of the most acrid kind.

Mr Yanukovich’s allies accused three MPs belonging to Ms Tymoshenko’s party of involvement in a child abuse scandal at the Artek summer camp on the Black Sea, which became famous during the Soviet era as ... Read more »

Category: Ukraine | Views: 2635 | Added by: magictr | Date: 28.10.2009 | Comments (0)

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