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Home » 2011 » February » 11 » VAT debts hidden by the IMF?
VAT debts hidden by the IMF?
"Employers look at first, as will the automatic refund if it does not lead to new failures. Akhmetov's group should transfer to it a few companies. If everything is ok - all the others."Photo focus.uaIna number of delays the automatic launching of VAT to exporters.Switching to this mode Cabinet promised to the first of August, then - the first of January, now says about the first of March. While the Finance Ministry and the tax return prepared for operational tax, VAT debt may again begin to grow rapidly."Automatic" start failedOn the inability to switch to automatic refunds after the new year the government announced in November. As the then Deputy Finance Minister Vadym Kopylov, the development of this system need at least six months.And then chairman of the STA Papayika Alexander said the inability to switch to "automatic" because of the high amount of false applications - 1-3 billion USD a month."Unfortunately, even large payers minimize taxes, roll and increase the amount of VAT refund. Declaration should check 60-70 days. Would it be appropriate then to compensate them for the second day after the receipt?" - Papayika asked six months ago.Fiscal authorities delayed the introduction of automated systems for fear that it will lead to failure finplana, said Director of the Institute budget and socio-economic research Artem Rudyk."Changes in tax refunds in 2010 was low, and the problem remained unresolved," - he says.However, in 2011, became effective tax code, which obliges the state to implement an automatic refund to payers and even provides for a penalty in case of delays.Money should return in 23 days. If at this time will not be on the account, then the tax is imposed a fine of 120% of the NBU discount rate. In addition, debt repayment was a condition for further cooperation with the IMF.Want to "automatic" - prepare for inspectionsMarch 1 tax should complete preparations for automatic refund. During this period, the Office shall create a register of taxpayers who apply for automatic compensation.February 20 of the tax must order form of registry, and now March 5th taxpayer may receive money, told the Union President of Ukraine Leonid tax advisers Rubanenko.Service scheme registry remind sale apartments: notary comes into the database and checks that no encumbrances on it "- he explained.Automatically entered in the register of payment volume, the difference between tax payer and credit obligations of its counterparts, the size of the average wage - it should be 2,5 times larger than the minimum.If some of these options is a burden, the company denied an automatic refund."I think businesses will look first, as this system will work or not cause it to new failures. Akhmetov's group at the site I would have tried to transfer to automatically refund several companies. If everything is ok - transfer of all the other" - said Rubanenko.In the tax is reported that 70% of the debts of the VAT accounted for 20 large enterprises. However, it turned out, and they are not ready for automated testing because their data in the registry will then respond, do not meet the requirements of the tax."We look forward to finally trigger automatic compensation. I think the worse of it will not. Maybe even arise some problems, but it's still better than when we take our same money as a VAT refund," - said the MP and honorary president of Group Nord Valentin Landik.Debt manipulation CabinetTo switch to automatic compensation must repay an old debt, and it constantly increment the current debt. If January 1, 2010, the total reached 20 billion USD, in April - has 28.4 billion. For comparison: in April 2009 was "only" 13.5 billion."The main problem - lack of transparency about the debt. About the size we learn only by statements of officials, and these data often contradict statements by other officials. Check out the numbers is impossible. Information on arrears of VAT we still secret, like a state secret" - outraged Rudic.However, it is this lack of transparency allowed the Cabinet report on the successful fight against debt. In October 2010 Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, that arrears of VAT is only 3 billion USD.Later it turned out that the state "hung" a current 9.5 billion of debt. The government was able to virtually reduce their debts.Firstly , the VAT issue bonds for 16.4 billion was accounted as debt settlement. Hence they have halved. In fact, the VAT issue bonds paid off public debts, but only delayed it. Maturity Securities - five years of repayment and the annual yield of 5% per annum.Second , the government has not acknowledged the debts outstanding debt as these amounts are checked against fiktyvnist.Thirdly , the government has imposed strict control over enterprise applications for VAT refunds. In the taxpayers simply can not accept tax returns, without which it is impossible to demand refund.If they accept and then could not make the information on the payer to the database automatically. Even if everything was correct, it could "make happy" test, which sometimes ended with the cancellation of the certificate VAT. As boasted Kopylov, monthly applications fell from 3,5-5 billion to 2 billion.From this affected not only "shemnyky, but also the real sector. For example, debts to the merchants of grain reached 7 billion, resulting in lower purchase prices for crops and reduced the income of farmers.According to first vice president of UMB Sergey Prokhorov, the reason for delay is bad and distrust of the administration of VAT tax to taxpayers."If you take debts to traders, tax them is carefully checked, as suspects in the schemes of taxpayers. After exporting grain value added tax paid, while producers of agricultural products - no, - said the expert.Again VAT-Bonds?Since the current debt becomes increasingly difficult to hide, and the "machine" on March 1 will go only a small proportion of taxpayers, the government should now think how to deal with new debts.It is possible that the Cabinet may decide to take the issue of VAT-bonds, would it prohibit the IMF. Maybe this time invent some new scheme."If the government will issue bonds again, it will be a serious mistake. VAT issue bonds must be single action. If the issues repeated, it will worsen discipline refund money" - says Rudic.
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