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Home » 2011 » February » 11 » Ukrspetsexpot: militery concern
Ukrspetsexpot: militery concern

In late 2010, Ukraine began the union military-industrial complex of Ukraine into a single structure. December 28 Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree establishing a state business association "Ukroboronprom. As conceived in this framework should include all enterprises to develop, manufacture, maintenance and export of military and special equipment and ammunition. With the state's point of view, the creation of "Ukroboronproma" is a logical and correct step. Combining military-industrial complex into a single structure should improve the efficiency of state enterprises and their presence in foreign markets. In Russia - one of the major competitors of Ukraine on the arms market - MIC was joined in the "Rosoboronexport" back in 1993 and led to a significant increase in arms exports. January 4, 2011 to report the head of government "Ukroboronproma was appointed the now former head of the Ukrspetsexport Dmitry Salamatin. It should be recalled that Mr Salamatin, known for its active and violent part in the parliamentary battle, still combines positions in the executive power with the mandate of deputy of the Party of Regions, which is a direct violation of the Constitution. Obviously, neither for Viktor Yanukovych, nor for Mykola Azarov, this does not violate the law. Meanwhile, Mr Salamatin MIC engaged in a union, without waiting for the president's decree. Recall that in June last year, MP was appointed head of the state-owned Ukrspetsexport, which until now solely represented the interests of Ukraine on the international market of armaments. As is known, in practice, agents of Ukraine traditionally by five subsidiary companies Ukrspetsexport: "Progress", "Promoboroneksport", "Spetstehnoeksport", "Ukrinmash", "Ukroboronservis. The company also TASK-export ", which became DP Ukrspetsexport last summer. Each of these companies specializes in the markets of specific countries and regions. A simplified scheme of weapons sales is as follows: subsidiary receives approval HA Ukrspetsexport to conduct the transaction itself concludes contracts with the vehicle supplier or manufacturer in Ukraine and a contract for the supply of arms to foreign buyers. In fact, in addition to the role of the authorized state mediator, the company Ukrspetsexport also plays the role of the regulator of foreign trade transactions. Basically the same work is done by subsidiaries. Through them are significant financial flows, control of which is provided by the heads of DP. With the arrival of Dmitry Salamatina began a large-scale reassignment of its subsidiaries. Salamatin himself in the commentary of "Ukrainian Truth" explains the process of liquidation of subsidiaries need to control foreign trade special exporting, which until then was of a chaotic character."What do you mean - I was trying to subdue?" If you - the head of the company, you have to control everything in the organizational and financial terms. I had to do it. So far in the field of exports and imports of goods and services for military and special-purpose multiple companies competed with each other to dump. What should be the logic? Do we need to multiply the administrative apparatus? No, we must optimize the performance of special exporting. We do not need seven companies. We will leave just as much as needed, "said Salamatin. Meanwhile, the situation is complicated by the fact that earlier with heads of the DP were to conclude an employment contract.Therefore, CEOs, or left on their own or the company liquidated "within the framework of restructuring, and their scope of work handed directors more loyal structures. Since last September revealing was liquidated subsidiary, Promoboroneksport. Then reshuffle touched DP "Ukroboronservis" and "Progress", which has traditionally focused basic financial flows. Director of Ukroboronservis Alexei Sharapov officially left his post voluntarily. His departure was accompanied by criminal charges against the leaders of the DC in connection with the supply of anti-aircraft missiles to Georgia and cooperation "Ukroboronservis with private Ukrainian-Russian company," Parallax ". In the end, "Ukroboronservis" led by the Assistant Vice-Prime Minister Vladimir Sivkovych - Dmitry Plyatsuk. But the most bizarre reshuffle took place in DC "Progress". "PROGRESS"   According to sources, "Ukrainian Truth" on December 30 last year, Dmitry Salamatin officially signed a decree on liquidation of subsidiary "Progress" and "Ukrinmash. Moreover, on 13 January this document scheduled to be published. But for unknown reasons, the elimination of the company is currently suspended. Possibly due to the fact that immediately after the new year by Cabinet DP "Progress" was included in the "Ukroboronprom" as a separate company. The company "Progress" is considered one of the most successful Ukrainian enterprises on the international arms market. This company managed to conclude the first "big" contract of independent Ukraine on supply of arms - 320 T-80UD tanks to Pakistan. In addition, the firm works closely with the markets of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. It should be noted that for all five of its subsidiaries Ukrspetsexport were originally fixed government structures, which were considered the patrons of their tacit and / or suppliers. For example, a strategic partner Ukrinmash "is the Industrial Policy Ministry, and" Ukroboronservis - Ministry of Defense. DP "Progress" has traditionally been considered an estate of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). Following the appointment of Dmitry Salamatina head Ukrspetsexport to DP "Progress" began "human disasters." For four months - from July to November 2010, the company changed 5 (!) Leaders. Prior to his appointment Salamatina DP "Progress" was headed by a protege of the previous head of the Ukrspetsexport Sergei Bondarchuk - Taras Shiyko, who was forced to leave his post at his own request after a change in leadership Ukrspetsexport. In late June, according to the order of Dmitry Salamatina, DP "Progress" was headed by Mikhail Morozov. Having spent a little over a month, Morozov was dismissed, and his place zanyalAndrey Nemirovich. Held out little more than twenty days, Nemirovich also went away - at his own request and gave a chair to Sergei Proskurkina. In late November last year, the day the head of DP, "Progress" was appointed Eugene Golubenko. To date he record in this position. But the striking staff turnover has affected it: Golubenko was named with the prefix "GUT" - "timchasovo vikonuyuchy obov'yazki. Dmitry Salamatin explained the personnel policy on the "Progress" so that "nobody has been able to figure out what's going on there." "People could not work. Look: all contracts, which they led - problem. In some contracts the money was received back in 2004, and the supply still does not. But that's not all. Any subsidiary company must align its activities with the parent company. Long time guide "Progress" did not give us access to this information. They hid, whom they talk and with whom they are negotiating in the enforcement of contracts. " Meanwhile, sources "Ukrainian Truth" argue that today the role of first violin in the enterprise is not a director JP, and his deputy - Valeria Matyukha assigned simultaneously with the director Yevgeny Golubenko.   Valeria Matyukha - a former MP of the Party of Regions. In 2006 it was registered by 177-m number list PR and became the youngest parliamentarian in Ukraine - at the time she was barely 25 years old (born 1981). A year's work in the Verkhovna Rada has registered Matyukha seven pieces of legislation, among them - a bill to appoint judges to administrative positions, an order terminating the powers of a judge of the Constitutional Court Viktor Shishkin and changes to the law on protection of animals against cruelty. " The special election to parliament in 2007 by Valery Matyukha was registered number 402-meter list of the Party of Regions and the parliament has not passed. Valeria Matyukha readers may be known for two episodes. The first time her name appeared in the press in 2006 during an investigation into the murder of deputy head of the Donetsk region OCD Colonel Roman Yerokhin. Various sources claimed that the MP provided an alibi to one of the accused in the murder of a colonel. Officially, this information is not confirmed. Second time talking about Matyukha in August last year, when the conflict flared around the company premises "Termoholod" located in a building Ukrspetsexport. At that time, Valery Matyukha served as adviser to the head of Ukrspetsexport Dmitry Salamatina. According to the director "Termoholoda Yuri Kiselev, Matyukha invited him to come to a meeting where it was planned to discuss the controversy surrounding the premises. According to Kiselev, the debate over the fact that Dmitri Salamatin hit him in the head office chair. Later the prosecutor general's office has promised to deal with the above incident, but test results are still unknown. According to the "Ukrainian Truth", Valeria Matyukha has no experience in the trade of arms and military equipment. What was dictated by her appointment as Deputy JJ "Progress", remains unclear. Meteoric career Matyukha may be due to her working life. Since mid 2005, she worked as a lawyer in TOV "legal agency" Liberia. "Around the same time as a lawyer in" Liberia "worked the current deputy head of presidential administration Olena Lukash. Actually, Valeria Matyukha no secret of his friendship with Helena Lucas and her sister, a member of the CEC , Tatiana Lucas. Recall spouse Helena Lucas is currently headed by Foreign Intelligence Service, under the influence of which is JP "Progress". Failed the transaction One of the biggest successes MIC Ukraine in recent years is the deal for the supply of weapons the Iraqi Defense Ministry. In 2009, the state-owned Ukrspetsexport announced it has signed contracts to export over 400 armored vehicles worth $ 550 million. This contract is called the transaction year, and all the laurels at the signing of a document passed to the former head of Ukrspetsexport Sergei Bondarchuk. Meanwhile, according to the "Ukrainian Truth", in reality, these agreements have been prepared and signed by "Progress".Available wording were copies of the contracts concluded between the "progress" and the Iraqi Defense Ministry. According to these documents, the Ukrainian side was obliged to put in Iraq: "Rook" - in 2006 did not Tested - 420 BTR-4E with the combat unit "sail" in the amount of 457.5 million U.S. dollars.   - Six military aircraft An-32B in the amount of $ 99 million U.S. In addition, according to "Ukrainian Truth", was signed another contract for maintenance and repair of aviation equipment worth 3.6 million dollars. Thus, the total sum of the three contracts amounted to 560.1 million U.S. dollars. Sources "Ukrainian Truth" claiming that this amount included 13% of the commission agent. Here we must make a small clarification. Participation of intermediaries in deals for arms deliveries - the world's traditional practice. As explained by market experts, brokers are both guarantors of completion of transactions and transit point for kickbacks managers of enterprises and institutions involved in the transaction. In fact, this scheme is semi-legal corruption in the arms trade and military equipment. As a rule, the mediators called party buys. The essence of the operation is as follows. Suppose country X wants to enter into a contract for the supply of arms to a country Y. During the negotiations between the ministries of both countries (for example, Ukrspetsexport and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense), buy side, as a condition of the transaction requests to transfer a percentage of the amount of the contract and indicates a specific mediator Z, which must go through a "kickback." Typically, the mediator Z - it's either an offshore company, or set up offshore companies. Next in the preparation of the transaction selling country X concludes with the facilitator Z separate contract for the provision of any services. For example, in Ukraine, the most common is the conclusion of contracts for services to "market research". The cost of such services is equal to the percentage who returned to the purchaser ("rollback" the buyer). Ukrspetsexport: War with mediator Now back to the deal between DP "Progress" and the Defense of Iraq. Intermediary in the deal made some American company."Ukrainian Pravda managed to find out her name, but to avoid lawsuits, we do not consider it appropriate to specify it directly. Sufficient to restrict only those that the company had no official website, it is not mentioned in any list of businesses that traditionally sells arms. Telephone numbers and e-mail, which issue search engines "Ukrainian Truth" is not currently serviced.But most interesting is that the interests of the American company is a citizen of Ukraine. According to the contract, the company had to withdraw 13% of transfers for the supply of equipment to Iraq. Including the amount of advance payments. According to the "Ukrainian Truth" at the end of summer 2009, the Iraqi Defense Ministry, according to the signed contracts are listed on the invoice DP "Progress" an advance of $ 11.22 million U.S. dollars (20% of the transaction). About 14 million of this amount was supposed to get a mediator. However, after the appointment of Dmitry Salamatina head Ukrspetsexport, this scheme has been revised. According to the "Ukrainian Truth", in July last year on behalf of Dmitry Salamatina, broker have informed that the Ukrainian side is not going to pay 13% of further transfers from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. During a personal meeting with a representative of an intermediary Salamatin said that existing agreements can not be executed because they were achieved with the former head of Ukrspetsexport, Sergei Bondarchuk. According to the editorial board, at the same meeting, Dmitry Salamatina it was stated that in case of rupture of relations with the mediator, the contracts will not be reached. Apparently, the head of Ukrspetsexport not believe in such a scenario situation. In an interview with the "Ukrainian Truth" Mr Salamatin said he did not consider the removal of intermediaries threat to the execution of contracts: "We are charged with, we removed the mediators and jeopardized the fulfillment of contracts. What is it?" We're responsible for the results! At the same time We understand that pushed from the "trough" of many experienced, but selfish people, who for years worked in the market and use its potential not only and not for the government ... And, obviously, now we have enough enemies. " Meanwhile, in November, negotiations with the Iraqi side is still not bode ill. In early November, according to the terms of the deal, has begun training Iraqi Ministry of Defense on the program services AN-32B. And on the eve of Ukraine visited the Ministry of Defense inspection of Iraq and the inspection technique was very happy. The first alarm sounded after a month. December 19 in Ukraine came a large delegation of officials of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and military experts to sign acts of the adoption on 11 APCs and two AN-32B. January 5 in Baghdad was to be held a parade in honor of the independence of Iraq, which was planned to show the new military equipment, including Ukrainian armored personnel carriers. All equipment is destined for export, was ready for inspection. But then something unexpected happened. During the inspection of military equipment officials of Iraq's Defense Ministry showed unexpectedly keen interest in terms of build and performance characteristics of products.
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