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Home » 2011 » February » 11 » Continuity Church leadership. What happens after the Patriarch Lubomir?
Continuity Church leadership. What happens after the Patriarch Lubomir?

Brightness Archpastoral Blessed evidence generally recognized in Ukraine and abroad. So experience: what happens after the Patriarch Lubomir? - Not unreasonable. Head of Church unequivocally stated that the Church wants to transfer management of successor "a warm hand, and most importantly - kept word.Church life in the former Soviet Union often fluctuates between Extrema - High-rise sacred, and even exaltation, and through secular or landing almost stopping. Such wounds as the elimination of the visible structures of the Church and the repression against the hierarchy and the faithful, spiritual cripples people and spoiling ecclesial traditions, God and people healed slowly.The search for equilibrium, stability, choice of the method of broadcasting the spiritual and holy - it is probably still at the initial stage of regeneration, and normalization. This includes various aspects of church life, including hierarchical leadership.In different countries and various denominations debate around who should lead and how this or that religious community, though there are long and steamy, but generally considered normal.The result is a concrete, practical and more importantly - prayer and moral preparation for changes in church leadership. We, by contrast, often do not know how to approach this issue: noisily or panic, or conceals it, if it exists.Overall, the silent position is good, the fundamental principle that should not be despised. For all our lives, including the church, is in God's hands, and all kinds of political speculation or habitual plitkuvannya unlikely to be fruitful in comprehending the state and prospects of church leadership.Panic is never productive. Its components are fear and helplessness in times of crisis while the crisis may be, on the contrary, the opportunity to challenge the growth (from Greek krisis means "time for decision-making).For important decisions need a spiritual focus and strong faith in God's Providence and calm thought and harmonious cooperation of all who meet the challenge facing the community.To what am I? Various Church in Ukraine and Belarus Orthodox Church today are headed by very experienced people. Pervoyerarhy Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate and Moscow - Vladimir and Filaret, Metropolitan of Minsk and all Belarus Filaret, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude - all aged about 80 years.There are laws of nature ... Sincerely wishing the Primates of many years, every member who is experiencing for its benefit, if you do not have to speculate then actively pray for good unasliduvannya leadership. But many active and conscious members of the said churches with fear looking into the future. This is understandable.Primates of the two largest Orthodox churches in Ukraine - Patriarch Filaret (Denisenko) and Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan). Photo - www.focus.uaPatriarch Filaret, Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk hierarchs are almost half a century. Their figures are accurately recorded in the minds of the faithful and often represent good and confident of their religious communities. Arises the question - what happens next? Do not threaten imminent change of leadership turbulence, conflicts and even the fall?For Greek Catholics prospect of change, perhaps by causing even greater anxiety. Brightness Archpastoral evidence Beatitude Lubomir (Husar) and his spiritual discernment generally accepted in Ukraine and abroad.The recent celebration included his patriarchal ministry zaaktsentuvalo clearly that specific role it plays not only in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Ukrainian church life, and in general in our society.Many have said it was his name. Because of this man promenyuye genuine love and deep peace, which he smyrennomudristyu with warm humor and sharing with everyone. Enough to call someone in the Ukrainian society has the moral authority.So experience: what happens after the Patriarch Lubomir? - Not unreasonable. Moreover, His Beatitude clearly and unambiguously than once publicly stated that he wants to transfer management of the Church of his successor "a warm hand, and most importantly - kept his promise .When these statements in 2009 were first, it caused a lot of publications in the Ukrainian press and conversations between the true Church and wider community. Many members heard about the decision ostochne beatification, and now survive the embarrassment and fear are true: as in difficult times, when society is in front of such unprecedented challenges, so exceptional guru may voluntarily move away from the office?Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Bishop Lubomir (Husar). More informationis available hereNo doubt, if the approach to this issue briefly in human beings, there is reason for embarrassment and fear. You can delve into those feelings, they develop. But perhaps more interesting and spiritually useful to look at the decision Blessed with another perspective. Is this decision violates the accepted order and tradition? Is the Church can not be at a critical time to change the head? Does everything has to be mislaid only because there are the usual laws of nature? Can you come over to call in God?Examples from the history of the Church over the last century reveal an encouraging prospect. In other words - not the first time the Church finds itself in a similar situation and facing similar challenges.Lubomir Patriarch and Synod of the Church membersIf you look at the four previous transfer of supreme leadership in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, we see that each one is really held in "special" and "critical" time, each accompanied by turmoil and fears a storm of debate and controversy.At the same time, each of these historic moments was under God's blessing, as each new Head Church - though some of his faithful (and even broader social circles) could, for various reasons not to accept - as a result detected genuine leader, even prophetic personality. Look at these precedents.December 17, 1900, when Pope Leo XIII nominuvav Chee Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky , 35-year-old natives of ancient Ukrainian, but polonizovanoho family, many patriotic Greek Catholics believed it a disaster: that finally achieved the Poles that their Trojan horse in 'riding on St. George mountain bastion in the western community.During his 44 years of arhypastyrstva Church and Society of Metropolitan perceived gradually, but not always and not everyone understood it to end. Though eventually Bishop Andrew was especially authority, he had almost permanent opposition: whether from the Austrian, Polish, German and Soviet authorities, or from other parts of the bishops and clergy and religious, or of "right" and "left" politicians. He was not quite expected bishop, and because he was wise and creative, so always be unpredictable.Today, looking back at the history of the twentieth century and realize that it was Metropolitan Andrey, for which originally had different biases as a new leader, became the spiritual and national leader of Ukrainian , a figure of universal significance that goes far beyond the Greek-Catholic or even the all community. Perhaps, he was the biggest Ukrainian twentieth century.Metropolitan Andriy with bishops, priests and lay Church. Photo of funds Skole Natural History MuseumAndrey chose the Roman Apostolic See. Pope Leo XIII personally knew a young monk for 15 years for this purpose. Today it is clear that this was a brave choice, you can even say - brilliant.God's Providence povelilo so that the method of choice and appointment of his successor was different, though the quality of choice remained the same high.Pope Pius X gave the Metropolitan Sheptytsky special rights in staffing, as in other matters, and Bishop Andrew actually himself, having received the consent of Pius XII, appointed his successor - Joseph Blind, nominuvavshy, consecrating it to the archbishop and with the right of succession koadyutora. It was December 22, 1939, at the beginning of World War II and Soviet occupation of Galicia . Stop thinking that the time was less critical than today. Conversely, when the civilized world literally rozvalyuvavsya.When November 1, 1944 Bishop Andrew died on the 80-year life, the young Metropolitans Joseph had to lead the Church and support people who survived the terrible wartime, terrible material and moral desolation. Barely six months as he and the entire Church bishops found themselves behind bars.Thus began the martyrdom and - paradoxically - glorious page of history of our Church.Consistent and more rugged head in the era of trials impossible to imagine.Patriarch Joseph Blind during the arrest. Maklakov village in the depths of Siberia. Photo - Blind held in prisons, concentration camps and in exile in 1918 (1945-1963). At 72 years of age he was in exile in the free world. There being already old, the confessors of the faith for 20 years zhurtovuvav not only the church but also the entire Ukrainian community, inspired her new belief, that Ukraine continues to struggle for human dignity, freedom and national rights of the Church.He started reaching reforms in the church administration, restoring the Synodal Church structure and raising the consciousness of the whole Ukrainian Christianity on their ecclesial identity, patrimony and patriarchal dignity.And if elected Andrey Rome, Joseph Blind - Metropolitan Andrey, with the consent of the Apostolic See of Rome, the choice of further pervoyerarhiv held with the participation of the Synod of Bishops, which the patriarch Joseph with great difficulty and not insignificant obstacles formed. So it was at liberty, reaching beyond "hands of Moscow, where there was no totalitarian repression against the Church. This is true now in independent Ukraine, after the release of the underground Church.Monk Vasily Velichkovsky was secretly ordained a bishop, and then led the Greek-Catholic Church during her time in hidingWire transfer are held in the underground extreme conditions.When in early 1963 the Soviet authorities unexpectedly released from the Joseph Blind exile in Moscow, where he had to go to Rome, the goal was to quickly provide the Metropolitan catacomb Church leadership - mistseblyustytelem Primate of Church in Ukraine.Telegram to Moscow was summoned to the Redemptorist monk Basil Velichkovsky (2001 proclaimed his svyaschennomuchenika). In the hotel room February 4, 1963 Metropolitan Joseph ordained him a bishop.Bishop Basil Velichkovsky led the underground church in 1972. Soviet authorities released him and the West, where he soon died of poisonous medicines slow action in Winnipeg (Canada) 30 June 1973.Anticipating the danger of arrest, which still took place in 1969, is July 19, 1964 he was ordained to succeed his fellow brothers from the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer Vladimir Sterniuk.Bishop Vladimir carefully and thoughtfully worked into hiding, leading the Church in the catacombs as mistseblyustytel Patriaha and Joseph, and Miroslav Ivan Lubachivsky to return to the city last March 30, 1991. In these difficult, almost impossible conditions of official prohibition and repression totalitarnyh Divine Providence has provided leadership in the good hands of the Church, which provided her future.When Joseph Slipyj eighties ended, Pope John Paul II ordered to convene the Synod of Bishops, who in 1980 identified three candidates with the right of succession koadyutora. Of these, the Pope March 27, 1980 elected the first - Miroslav Ivan Lubachivsky.This choice was received with great enthusiasm. After the bishops and Andrew Joseph was quiet enough, little charisma scholar immediately obtain that authority that he had two predecessors, who totally ruled the Church 84 years. In the diaspora spread fear that the new pervoyerarh not be able to solve incredibly complex problems that stood before his flock.Photo film of 1910 Lubomir Husar predstoyatelstva see here So when September 7, 1984 Joseph died blind and Miroslav John became his successor, the Church in Ukraine was in the catacombs for two generations, and for its future there were many doubts.Standing whether it can survive in general, as in the diaspora church also began to fail - in 1980 became palpable assimilation process, but because of widespread secularization was almost no vocations to the priesthood and monastic service. Providence And here once again surprised skeptics.It Lubachivsky Lubachivsky destined to lead Church during its legalization, and not already anticipated many of its revival. Thus, while 1989 came from the underground about 300 priests, during the next ten years their number increased to 1500, and today - to 2500.New immigrants from Ukraine and pastors also reinforce the historic church structure in the Diaspora and create new ones. The gift of prayer, humility and spontaneity Blessed Lubachivsky were required during the rise and euphoria, and this he got quiet, but the true believers in their honor. Last transmission wire Church, like all previous ones, was unusual, with no exact precedent, and it took place in an atmosphere of dynamic social change in Ukraine. Lubomir Husar Bishop consecrated a bishop of the Patriarch Joseph April 2, 1977 in the monastery of Studion near Rome, but secretly, and as a bishop he was in the shadow of 19 years.In the spring of 1996, his episcopacy publicly acknowledged John Paul II and the Synod of Bishops, and the fall of that year the Synod accepted the request Lubachivsky Lubachivsky be Lubomir Husar Assistant with delegated rights chapter of the Church.Before him were difficult questions while restoring church structures in Ukraine and relations between the Diaspora and the mother Church. And despite the growing economic crisis. Later came the new wave of emigration apogee Ukrainian.Bishop Ivan Miroslav Lubachivsky was not as charismatic as his predecessors, but was able to bring the Church of the catacombsWhen December 14, 2000 died Miroslav Ivan, which was not very welcome at his election 20 years earlier - said goodbye to him in Lviv with great warmth and reverence, almost 100 thousand faithful. A month later, in January 2001, the election was held the Synod of Bishops, which called on the Head of the Church Lubomyr, bishopric which was secret for years.But a secret of the fact that this choice was divided episcopate. In the end, and some leading Greek Catholics in lay quite clearly stated in the press that Cardinal Husar in no case can be chosen by the synod. Thank God, Providence pokeruvalo otherwise.If you make conclusions based on these changes head of Church, it becomes clear that each and every case, this transfer of leadership took place in a deep political, social, ethnic and religious crisis, accompanied by uncertainty, fear and criticism.New pervoyerarha met resistance. But each time the Church appeared good - an unexpected, original, deeply spiritual - helmsman, who left his seal in its history and in general in Ukraine's history: whether during the rule of Austria and Poland, or among the fire of war, whether in the deep catacombs under a totalitarian government, whether in the settlements, which covered four continents, and whether in time of Ukrainian independence.Respecting the decision of His Eminence Lubomir, we have prepared with prayer, fasting, courageous and mature church bearing to obtain the grace which is needed to elect a new Supreme Primate, which will lead the church to new spiritual achievements.Divine grace complements human weakness. If Provedinnya, through people and circumstances, calling a specific person to serve the Father and Head of local church, it always will novovybrannomu primate required for this favor.The story of salvation of mankind in general and the Church in particular gives us every reason to celebrate a time of change with hope, faith and peace. Therefore, His Beatitude its decision to prepare his flock of the future and assures that the Lord and it will be after her. His move is strong, brave and modern, is a precedent and an example of not only the Church but for all who do not watch reality vidvazhuyetsya in the eye and promptly responding.But the first decision of the Patriarch - a manifestation of the trust to God, to the whole Church and to his future successor. All of us who feel indifferent to the fate of the Church, now have an excellent chance of their position, personal responsibility and prayer to justify that confidence.
Category: Ukraine | Views: 2657 | Added by: politic | Tags: Christianity, Church, the history of Ukraine, XXI century | Rating: 0.0/0
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