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Home » 2009 » October » 5 » Vanga predictions about Russiapredictions about Russia
Vanga predictions about Russiapredictions about Russia
I understand that calling a backlash sarcasm, but I want here to bring the prophecy Vanga for Russia.In the first place because I am under the impression from my recent communication with your friends

I understand that calling a backlash sarcasm, but I want here to bring the prophecy Vanga for Russia. In the first place because I am under the impression from my recent communication with his friends, a man of extraordinary abilities, who can "read" Past, Present and Future (This ability is most often clairvoyance, Reading-effect). By the way, in his abilities I have no doubt, I know its a long time. Sun e, that he himself wanted to add to the prophecies of Vanga concerning the rebirth of Russia, so this is something that is pawned it now, but the final fracture occurs not when the present government. And a significant role to play in the Ukraine. 

So ... When Wang was asked to give a prophecy to Russia, she "... outlined the hands of a great circle. And she said: "Russia will again become a great empire, above all, the empire of the spirit." She had predicted the coming greatness of Russia. Even claimed that in the future Bulgaria will join the revived Union. And the most famous Soviet writer recorded forecast Valentin Sidorov in 1979: "Everything will melt like ice, only one will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much is sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. All sweep it from its path and not only continue but also become the ruler of the world. " 

Thanks Vladimir, the glory of Russia Vladimir ... What kind of speech? The prince, the Baptist in Russia? But there were others ... was, for example, Vladimir Ilyich. And now Vladimir Vladimirovich. 

And at Vanga is a confusing prediction (it dates from 1988 year): "There will come the eighth and sign the final peace ..." Maybe the year 2008? Or the last member of the Group of Seven have now become the "top eight". That is, again, Vladimir Vladimirovich! 

Or still have to wait that, the Eighth, who will sign the final peace, and Russia will bring in Lord of the world? "
Category: World | Views: 982 | Added by: magictr | Tags: Russia, Vanga | Rating: 0.0/0
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