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All Trought about politic at Ukraine

Home » 2009 » September » 25 » With trophy First Blog
With trophy First Blog
... And when we depart separately from their holonuchyh cities. I wanted one - a week to avoid last fight. Emptiness filled my heart for correspondence with you. Wild leaves that zotlivaly and lose their meaning.

Native and our close! Writing to you from the trenches First Russo-Ukrainian war just for reservation of superheated rounds computer. We now have a little quiet over the head of the enemy flying debris flood, someone on the right flank blown up by mines information field, but we ignore such trifles.

Reinforcement does not fit, no supplies - all produce on its own ...

The most hostile to obtain the special group "Ukraine": "Izvestia", "AiF", "Moscow komsomolyets ...

Daily informobstrily fan when literally can not raise his head, not that snap. Yesterday, at the neighbors again came disguised commandos with "facts" in the dugout and threw a grenade and news "Sohodnivtsi.

Should not recognize them through our form and flags, which hide behind the militants. Offered the magistrate to order to distinguish from others by its language, but it hush. Maybe the truth saying that the headquarters - a betrayal?

Save only thought about you, our family! How you there in the far rear of information? Dream of meeting, how to sit in the evening before our Ukrainian television, open the Ukrainian glossy magazine ...

We win, we will win, because we - the volunteers, so everyone deserves to six mercenaries. And let our war - guerrilla, but not the first time partisans defend their homeland from the enemy. Not first and not last ....

Pozhaliyemo Ukrainian reader's heart breaks and quotation in this touching passages. Described the letter threw our fancy box mail server is who wrote and where - remains a mystery.

But we thank the unknown author of an interesting perspective on current events. Indeed, only the blind will not see that in the information space tochytsya war. First (or not first?) Information.

Russia gradually increases the number and scale of attacks - from television spots and magazine publications to loud declarations of leaders of the state, while the Ukraine ... Do not know what to write instead of the three points.

For fairness, please note that the anti-Ukrainian information companies is not exclusive modern Russian authorities - each king, who although a little respect, always issued a decree on burning, removal or prohibition of Ukrainian books, and the song "Red vyntovochka, Khokhlov staunchly spare no" was included Sovyetskoyi songbook to Red Russia.

In the turbulent nineties Russian media also marked a special tolerance for our young country. Remember, as Moscow komsomolyets "even published a" educational "article which claimed that the word" Ukraine "emerged in the early twentieth century, but because of the country with that name can not exist.

But that was - loose, but instead now have unusual exacerbation of anti-Ukrainian. Keen that the pages of the media have moved in official rhetoric. "Ukraine steal," "fascists," "Russian peacekeepers were killed in the Ukrainian weapons, to postpone the arrival of the Ambassador" - as you so diplomatic lexicon and even with first-hand (though nominally) a person in the country?

Let us remember, in situations where such strict expressions used in the past and what it led to. Hitler in 1938, declared the president of Czechoslovakia Bekes his personal enemy - then you know.

"Monstrous offspring of the Versailles Treaty - a Molotov about Poland in 1939. We realize that the association is not the most pleasant, but for others we have not.

No wonder the international community this year scored an alarm. Specter of military conflict in recent times appeared visibly in the Russian-Ukrainian relations.

And if we want this scenario remains hypothetical in the discharge, it is worth trying to understand and find the answer to the question - what do we make them such?

And really, do not take it at face value ludicrous idea of Russian oppression. We even letters will not spend that refute this nonsense, because it is obvious.

Note another fact: Tajikistan is considering a law depriving the Russian language official status. And where Medvedev a letter about this? Who announced Rahmon personal enemy? None. So no sorrows right.

Of course, we fully agree with the now widespread claim that the true destination of attack on Ukraine is still the Russian people. External enemies always consolidated in Russia and gave the Kremlin legitimate right to fight against internal opposition. "Who is not with us is - against us" - a slogan of military time is always very effectively used by special services of Moscow.

Obviously, the "president of all Medvedev" appealed to the public - there is no other explanation. And to the Russian public. Not so stupid work in Chechnya, not to understand that the Ukrainian case exactly like the letter opposite impression - they (ie we) As is known, is very sensitive to unjust accusations as to the pedestrian at all.

Medvedev is playing with us, the Russian president is playing with the Russians, and we for him - related products. Just as books like "The collapse of Ukraine project" clearly designed not to Ukrainian.

But personally, we noticed a strange pattern: political pressure on Ukraine apparently korelyuyetsya level of freedom of speech and democracy in its northern neighbor. Dependence directly reverse - less freedom of speech in Russia, the greater the pressure on Ukraine.

Some readers, of course, have accused us of anti-Russian attitudes - they say make up for Russia obbrihuyete political regime. But honestly have to admit - it is not us. This they Russian citizens - Nemtsov, Shenderovich, Novodvorskaya, Kiselev, Dorenko, Khakamada (list keep yourself).

They come and do or migrated here, asked for political asylum and told, "as in pohodka Maskvye. But to join them as online posters on various forums.

Here we will pause to breathe, for are on the verge of great discoveries.

Do not you think, gentlemen, here and bury covenant famous Russian dog? Does not it seem that the main fault of Ukraine is that the performances of all citizens appointed very well heard in Russia. Because they are broadcast to all the powerful, national, and the worst - Russian-Ukrainian information space.

This is his educated "elder brothers" rosiyskomovnist and allows the opposition (not only political but also the kitchen) heard from Kyiv to the whole of Russia directly, and even more for what - to cause life ghost Freedom of speech, which has long been buried in Pervoprestolniy.

With the tightening screws in Russia, Ukraine unwittingly become a huge springboard, super-power stand opposition. Remember how in 2004 Dorenko Square horlav that Putin vozytymut the streets in a cage. We are with you nyzaly back, but Russia is told each other's ear.

It seems we are again with you trapyly intersection of power lines in history.

In Russia there is a conviction: Ukraine is divided on a linguistic basis, there is actually two in Ukraine - Russian-good-and bad-ukrainian. Let us for a moment agree with such views, but thought over this question: what is with these two Ukraine, not in words, but actually interferes with the current Russia? But do not rush to answer.

Which of the two Ukraine unpardonable interference in the internal information space of Russia, retranslyuyuchy opposition statements and its citizens naviyuyuchy bad memories of freedom and democracy? What is the price of gold today, the existence of the Kremlin regime? The answer is obvious and surprising paradox.

Russia interferes primarily in Russian Ukraine. For what took place to the Russian refugees in Ukrainian information space? Not more than any immigrants, marginalized, as it was already early last century biloemihrantamy in France, Turkey or China.

Maximum resonance, which deserve their sensational statements, it is a local press conference for immigrant malotyrazhok. And what happens in Ukraine's Russian-speaking, but still more or less democratic?

The most dangerous for Russia is not our land, no resources and no missiles, even if they have had. The most terrible thing for Russia - free, not controlled by Moscow in Russian information space. He can be vaccinated against zombuvannya Russian citizens, and above all - the Russian intelligentsia.

Can you imagine how after this paragraph knocketh key forumchan computers: "Where you hohlam," "Too much thinking about myself." And do not tell me, dear colleagues! Remember how carefully the USSR hlushyly transfer russian BBC or Voice of America.

And note that the English translation does not spend a single kilowatt high-frequency energy. However, despite the fact that the antennas were built hlushylok hectares of land is referred to Russian service station attributed almost decisive role in overthrowing the Soviet regime.

What do you think it is understood in Moscow?

Ukrainian-speaking democratic information space - a huge resource antyputinskyy significantly stronger than all "hostile voices" in the 70-80's. And we would be hopeless optimists had believed that the northern neighbors do not make conclusions and plans verstayut radical response.

Let us now consider the scenario of military aggression - its time we thought about it. Let's try to get into the uniforms of our neighbors and find out how to deal with this problem by peaceful means - can we persuade them to abandon the power scenario?

The first thing that is requested on the tongue - a proposal to take control of a Russian information space of Ukraine and introduce tough censorship there. You need to bring to market yaknaypotuzhnishu group of Russian media marked "Ukraine" and use it as the main leader of Russian politics.

Truly is the Ukrainian media have to supplant the market or take control with lobbyists and agents.

Fine idea? Certainly, but so can control only part of the information space neighbor. And have - all.

What do the rest - those who were unable to control or replace it with the market?

With all the variety of choice, we think of only one relatively peaceful manner disposing of Russian-speaking Ukraine's information space. He comes to quotes from famous plays Ostrovsky: "It is not dostansya thou none."

For it is impossible to capture, you need this space ... damage, throw rubbish. To such an extent that it under no circumstances could not look interesting, and the more authoritative for the care of intellectually developed and the Russians.

Dear leaders of the Kremlin! We offer instead of military aggression quite peace plan your drive inakodumtsiv Russian information space with Ukraine:

1.Maksymalno promote export of satellite-speaking market of all dirt and cultural scrap in large quantity of goods on the territory of talented and prosperous Russia.

Radio stations from rogue repertoire books penny pieces, newspapers - yellow till brown and magazines - only pink and fiyalkovi. "Speed Info", "My Fair Nanny," "Vladimirskyy Central - everything there is in Ukraine."

2. To take custody of all information sites and forums of the media to abandon blunt and tabloid reports, so that among them there was no noticeable nor reasonable, neither good nor eternal, and that with a pure heart could say: "Hohly - DEBILIV. Want to make sure - Look them on the Internet.

3. Support in the Russian media reports the most contemptuous tone of the message to Ukraine - the country's political system, democracy, freedom of speech.

By the way. Do not you think that someone eavesdroppers our conversation, and long ago began to realize this brilliant plan?

Otherwise, of which, think about the wonders of the adjective "Russian" in Ukrainian cultural space has recently been associated not with Chekhov or Dostoevsky, but with "chanson" and tabloid telehumorom?

Why are ninety percent of the Russian posts on Internet forums do not meet the basic rules of hygiene, and the rest - quite decent and constructive sink and become visible only in their masses?

Why real cultural policy of Russia in our country so radically different from the activities of diplomatic missions of other countries - the British Council, Goethe Institute, French Cultural Center, Polish Institute?

Why anti-Ukrainian rhetoric of officials in Russia went down to the level of "submit" Lower Tale?

The above scenario has long been realized, it is not in doubt. But there is one big problem - the information war to the knife, which Russia is the Russian speaking Ukraine, causing a nearly uniform damage to both parties.

For through her powerful and deep Russian culture in Ukraine is now stable image knight bydla generated artificially and completely undeserved.

But if we aim to bring a cessation of hostilities, we should seek mutual interest. And in our case it is obvious: the sides are interested in quick and radical isolation Ukrainian information space of the Russian reader / listener. And the only way such isolation is actually Ukrainization.

Therefore, providing for the security of its information, Russia has to support us in this way - for example ... financial or even moral. Freely you think this is a sick imagination of our wanderings - podvyzhky in the right direction already.

Recently Moscow has no objection to the street Ukrainian translation, and vice versa - to promote their special events. But this is only single steps.

Meanwhile in Ukraine tochytsya war. First. The war waged by Russia, and our nation struggling trying not to notice.

So the burden of responsibility for the fate of Ukraine once again fell on the shoulders of volunteers - those who are armed with computers, not zamoryuyetsya conduct guerrilla raids and miraculously recover, it would seem, finally lost territory. Who is at the expense of accuracy and vidchaydushnosti offset deficit and material resources, who is not the first time in the history of Ukraine has no right to fail at the same time - no chance of winning.

By the way. Quoted at the beginning letter of valor First verse must end. What do - even in war Ukrainian always kept his poetic soul. Let's listen to their voices:

Our romantic-polygraphic radio in the forest belt, and we went
In Southern Styx - desperately look to the east ford
Where painless sky still looks the water at its own beauty ...
Our call sign - now and forever - kurly-kurly ...

Brothers Kapranovy, for UP

The article uses a quote from a poem by Sergei Tatchyna
Category: Ukraine | Views: 3715 | Added by: magictr | Tags: Ukraine, Medvedev | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 7
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