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Home » 2009 » September » 7 » Ukrainian Front Russia
Ukrainian Front Russia
The struggle for influence and power in Russia between Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, the most direct way is projected to Ukraine in the form of often harsh and sometimes inappropriate statements to the Ukrainian authorities, and sometimes manifests itself in the unusual ...

Putin's visit to Poland unexpectedly highlighted the fact that accusations of Ukraine in the rewriting of history are part of a purely internal political struggle between Russia there the prime minister and president.And this struggle for influence and power in Russia between Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, the most direct way is projected to Ukraine in the form of often harsh and sometimes inappropriate statements to the Ukrainian authorities, and sometimes manifests itself in an unusually tolerant approach to meeting the conditions of foreign trade agreements.But all this, strangely enough, is formulated and driven by Multiple-motive on the national background of the struggle against «falsifying» history within Russia itself and its alleged «copying» in Ukraine, where the alleged geroiziruyut «Nazi accomplices».For an example to demonstrate some of the nuances of this opaque war for power in Russia with the help of pseudo-attacks on neighboring countries, enough to follow a storyline that unwittingly, and not with malicious intent launched a publication in the «proUA». Naturally, all facts set out below fall under the wording of «post - does not mean by», but the chronological sequence and context of what is happening can link them into one single and indivisible logical chain.So. January 15, 2009 in «proUA» article appeared «Let the glorious and legendary ...», which reviewed the work of the Chief of Research Division of the military history of North-West region of Russia Institute of Military History of the Defense Ministry, Colonel, Candidate of Historical Sciences Sergei Kovalev « Fictions and falsification in the evaluation of the role of the USSR on the eve and the beginning of the Second World War », placed on the official website of the Defense Ministry in a special section« History against the lies and falsifications ». In this pseudo-Labor colonel blamed Russia for fomenting the Second World War in Poland, which turned out to be quite recalcitrant to «reasonable» requirements of Nazi Germany.How, then, it seemed, our article did not have much resonance and a logical extension. But it only seemed - «Who should be» it still read it. And he made his conclusions. The first reaction was that the Ministry of Defense, reporting directly to the Chief of the Armed Forces of Russia, President Medvedev, its rigging, instead, to remove at all, a clever way to move from one Internet address to another, so that readers could not go on it straight hyperlink.And then followed an initiative announced by February 24, 2009 the Minister of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, co-chair of the party «United Russia» Sergei Shoigu, the imposition of criminal liability for denial of the Soviet victory in WWII. This same idea was immediately supported by State Duma speaker Boris Gryzlov.The idea Shoigu-Gryzlov itself look idiotic in every sense: in the Second World War involved only two countries - the USSR and Germany, and to doubt its result could only do the authors of the bill, if so briskly they soared to defend the obvious. But, as stated in the text was a subtext out of context. The need for such a law Shoigu substantiated by the fact that some countries have criminalized Holocaust denial. And, he says, assured the head of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, such a law would prohibit the entry into the territory of Russia heads of some neighboring states. Explicitly referring to Ukraine and the Baltic.To say that this idea has caused in Russia and the world public response, to say nothing. Most «piercing» Russia analysts saw in this initiative subtext, openly directed against Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Here's how it is written pro-government «orthodox» Edition «Russian line»: «Obviously Shoigu and Boris Gryzlov, became embroiled in an incomprehensible and ugly history. And, with them, apparently, played a «blind». After all, this history is viewed a kind of a double bottom. The initiative, announced by Sergei Shoigu, paradoxically, may be read as anti-Putin project. The fact that he Shoigu and the press immediately linked it with the initiative of the Jewish struggle against Holocaust deniers, apparently, is not accidental. It's no secret that in recent times the position of Israel and international Jewry over the ban on the study of the Holocaust is a growing acceptance in the world, which is more difficult to explain the notorious anti-Semitism. Also, it is no secret that Germany's long-simmering discontent with the fact that the Germans were still forced to pay reparations to the Jews. The Germans, more insistently raise the question of what they have already paid in full for all the crimes of Nazism, that it was time to draw a line under the past ... The Holocaust is a powerful means of pressure on Germany, which in recent years, thanks to Vladimir Putin, have become the main partner of Russia in Europe ... Therefore, initiatives, voiced Shoigu and supported Gryzlov, are clever loophole, which allows a ban on Holocaust denial to supplement the ban for denying the Soviet victory in WWII. At the same time «killed and another hare», - driving a wedge into improving relations between Russia and Germany. Thus, a setback to the policy, which is associated with the name of Vladimir Putin.Embodiment initiatives Shoigu to turn Germany into an eternal political pariah and deny Russia a strong ally in Europe. Special Initiative takes effect in connection with the fact that a blow to Putin applied hands of people who are his allies - Sergei Shoigu and Boris Gryzlov ».One can argue with this assumption, but still worth to agree that some truth in it was true. After all, in fact, Vladimir Putin, as prime minister is responsible for the alignment of foreign political and economic ties between Russia and the legalization of legislative initiatives Shoigu is a purely domestic political act, responsibility for which to cheer-patriotic electorate would be carried personally, President Dmitri Medvedev. The latter, focusing on a very sharp negative response about this venture, had not retreated, but chose the softer option translating ideas into practice. In this regard, May 15, 2009 the President of Russia signed a decree № 549 «About the Commission under the President of Russia to counter the attempts of falsification of history to the detriment of the interests of Russia».The disadvantaged of this decree is visible in its name, as it clearly read through the promotion of tampering of history in favor of the interests of Russia. But Russia's president, such nuances are unlikely to enter into confusion. For at stake battle for power.And the implications of the decree Medvedev in life is not long in coming. Historian of Russia, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Ivan Sukhov, in early June of this year made a «historic discovery», what hastened to tell the world through the newspaper «Time News» on 4.06.2009 g. That is how he described his discovery: «A few days ago at the official site Ministry of Defense of Russia in the section «History against the lies and falsifications», buried, however, deep enough in relation to the main page, you'll find the text of «Fictions and falsification in the evaluation of the role of the USSR on the eve and the beginning of the Second World War». The text signed by the head of the research department of the military history of North-West region of Russia Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defense, the candidate of historical sciences, Colonel Sergei Nikolaevich Kovalev ».Next comes the creative «revised» Russia candidate of historical sciences concept article «Let the glorious and legendary ...», published, let us recall, in our publication January 15, 2009. After the publication of the pro-Kremlin Sukhova many publications picked up the «news» about the work of Colonel Kovaleva, nominating Poland blamed for the outbreak of World War II, and replicate it millions. And although the general tone of media speculation on the colonel was quite critical, but focused on the fact that it is an attempt to take a fresh look at the question of the causes of the beginning of WWII. What, of course, could not possibly contribute to the development and strengthening of not only Russia and Poland, but also the EU-Russia relations, which are the responsibility just the Prime Minister Putin.The reaction of Poland and the EU not long in coming. At a sufficiently high level of European countries have condemned Russia's attempts to falsify the official historical events. But, as you know, step is the hardest ...To glow in the Russo-European relations is not extinguished, the state TV channel «Russia», under the control of President Medvedev, on June 21 in the final program of «News of the Week» betrayed the plot «Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: a historical investigation», which contained the following text: « Stalin in May he knew that Hitler had prepared a plan to capture Poland, and Warsaw trying to outplay the plan, proposed by Japan to open a second front against the Soviets. In Poland had reason to believe Hitler's ally - the treaty of 1934. In a secret part of Berlin and Warsaw have promised each other military assistance ».Poland's Foreign Minister was again forced to react strongly to Russia's blatant provocative forgery. But the zest to all this adds to the fact that at that time was already known that Poland was invited to the funeral activities on the 70 th anniversary of the Second World War Heads of Government of borrowers participating in it. And among them - Prime Minister Putin's Russia. Because baggage of negative emotions and negative experiences for Vladimir Vladimirovich before a trip to Poland in the Kremlin were collected with care and it can be said with undisguised «love».And the final «farewell» kick in the back of Putin before his visit to Gdansk's announcement was the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia (directly subordinate to President Medvedev) of 25.08.2009 on the fact that on 1 September - the start date of WWII - the agency declassify «documents on secret Talks senior Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry and intelligence services in Poland in1935-1945 years ». And to no one doubts what will be the nature of «Declassified» ostensibly documents, the official site of the RAF for no reason, no reason at all suddenly published on its pages annotation to one of the documentary films concocted by that office back in 1998. And there, without any equivocation, Foreign Minister Josef Beck of Poland before the war, concluded a treaty with France and Great Britain on military assistance, it is named - no more, no less - Agent German intelligence service.And though such a «revelation» SVR looks even more exotic than an ad Beck intelligence agent Honduras, still need to recognize that anti-Putin Kremlin's provocation had its effect: the prime minister of Russia in Poland initially expected a very cool reception.What clearly showed the Polish public opinion polls, largely identifies the Kremlin line and policies of Putin.But the most ridiculous in «Declassified» September 1 documents the RAF was that they coincide with the unclassified version of the statement of reasons for the outbreak of World War II, who announced the channel «Russia» in «News of the Week» more 21 June this year.
Category: Ukraine | Views: 785 | Added by: magictr | Tags: Yushenko, Russia, Putin, Ukraine, war | Rating: 0.0/0
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