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Home » 2009 » September » 3 » The Berlin court allowed the Islamists to name his son Jihad
The Berlin court allowed the Islamists to name his son Jihad

The Supreme Court of Berlin-known law enforcement authorities allowed Islamists, a native of Egypt Rhode Seyam (Reda Seyam) called his four sons named Jihad, said the publication Bild.

One of the meanings of the word "jihad", which takes place from the verb "jihad" - his efforts - is the armed struggle of Muslims for their faith against the infidels. In Germany, the pejorative connotation of the word received after the events of September 2001 in the United States.

Representatives of the registrar's office refused to register your child by the name of jihad, citing the fact that in the future such a name can bring its wearer damage. Position of officials supported the Senator of the Interior in Berlin (analog Minister) Erhart Körting (Ehrhart Koerting).

The parents sued. The litigation lasted for about three years. In this and the Court of First Instance and Regional Court, which has consistently passed on the case, the host parents.

In the decision of the Supreme Court of Berlin, which is also supported by parents, it is noted that the name of Jihad is not a threat to the welfare of the child and is not objectionable. The court noted that in the Islamic tradition of jihad is interpreted as a return of spiritual strength and social opportunities for the spread of Islam.

The fact that in recent years, radical Islamists have perverted the concept of their actions, jihad, forcing him to perceive solely as armed struggle against the infidel Muslims can not, according to the court to restrict the right of parents to name their child at their discretion.

Meanwhile, as noted by Bild, naming his son Jihad, the father of Reda Seyam hardly guided by peaceful intentions. According to the newspaper, the federal prosecutor's office believes Seyam one of the organizers behind the scenes of terrorist attacks, which the Islamists carried out in Bali in 2002.

For many years, Seyam is under the supervision of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution - the security services, which is responsible for suppressing the activities of extremist groups. In addition, according to Bild, in late August in Munich prosecutors brought charges against him and another seven people charged with creating a criminal association and inciting hatred.

Category: World | Views: 914 | Added by: magictr | Tags: Jihad, Berlin court, Islamists | Rating: 0.0/0
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