Sony Corporation of Japan announced that by the end of 2010 it intends to run in the sale of three-dimensional device. According to CEO Howard Stringer, 3D-technology from Sony is not limited to television, but will also be used in laptops, game consoles and Blu-Ray players."Three-dimensional video is clearly on the way to the mass market. As in the case of high-definition devices a few years ago, a number of issues remain to be resolved. But 3D-train stands in the way, and we at Sony willing to manage it," - said Stringer .Development in recent years the sector of three-dimensional video promises revolutionary changes in industry-wide consumer electronics. Manufacturers are trying to film production and to keep abreast of trends and are gradually moving towards the creation of 3D-films.On this topicYoutube video shows a three-dimensionalEurope moves to 3D-CinemaNews AutoUAZ is preparing a new SUVSo, was directed "Terminator" and "Titanic" James Cameron new film "Avatar," uses the latest 3D-technology, reports Times Online. A British Sky Broadcasting has already announced plans to launch next year a three-dimensional satellite channel in the UK.Despite the obvious successes, the development of three-dimensional video lurk and some problems, chief among them - a possible format war. The fact that manufacturers have yet to agree on standards for 3D-video. In particular, Sony plans to use technology "active shutter," in which three-dimensional effect is achieved by using special electronic glasses, and, for example, in the standard 3D-cinema uses the simple technique of polarization.