10:51 Shovor or Changes | ||
Weather in society показывает, if not the storm, then rain and wind. Majority of Ukrainians (about 80%) otsenyvayut stable situation in the country as nehatyvnuyu and confidently spoken about to the mistrust of authority and existing political forces. Key all the political leaders of the country are preparing to join in the campaign - and the existing president and premier and speaker, and ex-speaker and leader of the opposition. Miscellaneous chances in all, but neither of them who have no hang confidently, confidence and co side of most Ukrainians. Moreover, you can almost confidently say - all of these policies, have not yet joined the campaign, вызывают in Ukrainian voters ustalost and razdrazhenye. Usually, when доверие padaet, Country goes to the stage of Change. But перемены could not proyzoyty, if not new ones poyavlyayutsya leaders, party ideas and new ones. Today in Ukraine crisis ideas, parties and leaders. But in too time, the main problem is that the deficit in the country leaders, ideas and genuine parties, which would have been interesting to people. And this deficit leads to the stagnation, and fall to the lack of some kind, either pozytyvnoy dynamics. Of course, all nadoely the political conflicts, but let's look at the root of the problem. Delhi vovse not fight against political and competition - in the country if the main problem of shortage of politicians and new ideas. In the country, where the lives of more than 46 million people, of this can not be. Значит problem in second. Namely is that Artificial deficit, ie the deficit CEI someone planomerno creates. Speaking economic language, in Ukraine exists картельный or корпоративный shovor regarding not only to establish the of high prices of gasoline products of nutrition, housing services, etc. .. So wherefore stradayut пенсионеры, motorists in the result, entrepreneurs and everyone of us. Index - in the country also exists exactly shovor against access in politics for a new generation of politicians, the emergence of political forces and leaders, not связанных with existing political forces. We are all visible, as in the country and sformyrovalas protsvetaet the political monopoly on power in several political forces and leaders, and this is automatically oznachaet экономическую monopoly - on the main markets and resources in the country. Arguments? Please: all still fresh in the memories about the attempts of two main political forces of parliament to negotiate at changes to the Constitution, which would almost podelyly power and the countries between them. Well, that in one of the forces passed the nerves. And Ukraine has remained in demokratycheskoy orbyte. Worse, that attempts prodolzhayutsya - приняты неоднозначные editing in the law "On election of the president." And in parliament Empanelment changes to the law on election of deputies and local councils that показывает - угроза still exists. Нынешние the political гиганты stremyatsya to ensure a monopoly on power, ohranychyv chief instrument of democracy - is free elections. One простым putem - ohranychyv access to the election or the possibility for an open and chestnoy competition for new political forces and politicians. Of course, They can прикрывать essence of such action with any High materyyamy. But the essence of this is from menyaetsya. Country lyshaetsya As a result, not only new force leaders - such usylyyamy Ukraine is more pohruzhaetsya lyshaetsya future development and vpadaet экономический a system in deep crisis. One of the problems ключевых economy crisis in Ukraine - yzlyshnyaya monopolyzatsyya, preobladanye neformalnoy Economy (merger of business, political power and chynovnychestva) lehalnoy over the economy (the law). I solve this problem can only political putem. The first, a political rasshyryaya tsyvylyzovannuyu a competition, opening up access to politics, power for bolsheho number of players, parties and most importantly, representatives of society. But an open politics - not even oznachaet necessary changes in Ukraine - Economic and социальные. Chief question today is not only the emergence of new politicians and parties. In terms of "competition on the spot - many wanting. Only now the question remains - as far as new ones otlychayutsya from the old? It is important to not only be fresh, Happy, unknown. This is too little for politicians. Vazhnee else, that the politician or party learned work on the country. What is today the Ukrainian politics - The political эгоизм, desire Sucks only свой interest, their position and desire pereyhrat second in the fight for the powers, resources, vertical power, control. This neyzbezhno leads only to the destruction of. What we and nablyudaem in fact. Such a politics никому not need - we are all here stood нее. Politics in essence always zavyazana own way to compromise. No compromise - is not shovor and no transaction and no one объединиться A simple desire against the second, that the pereyhrat and "выйти in the crown". The political compromise - a Strategic step for the country, the core of which is - the desire of political forces to ensure victory for the country, for all Ukrainians. In this sense and consists normal policy. Such a policy, which pozvolyaet dvyhatsya forward prynymat important is addressing, and conducting reform dobyvatsya success.Without such a compromise in the country there are no prospects and opportunities dvyhatsya forward. History ubedytelna - No amount of reform and the positive changes in terms невозможны konfrontatsyy and the constant struggle of political forces ambytsyy leaders and politicians. Разве people pompously today какое future at that or ynoy existing political forces of, someone of them will be in power? Sovershenno important. Принципиальный in the second issue - When the future or that the political forces of ynoy zavyselo here of what and how she doing for the Future of the country. Today in the Ukrainians have everything somnevatsya Founded in opportunities of this new policy. But Case is, even now: only the Thoth time when the political leaders and parties dostyhayut compromise the country's council, откладывая towards личные interests and ambytsyy - were achieved Key victory Ukraine - получено right to Euro 2012, signed a Memorandum with the EU on the modernization of the GTS. But this is too little for such a country as Ukraine. Before stranoy facing a huge problem and вызовы, which require the replies and solutions. We simply have no time to wait - and so we missed too many, and otstaly. But, unfortunately, действующие political forces prodolzhayut demonstryrovat hronycheskuyu nesposobnost to the compromise. I "help the" im in this must Ukrainian voter, who обязаны give spravedlyvuyu zhestkuyu and assessment of their work in future elections. Voters must in turn learn to distinguish "the grain from the weed, there s hands - such as Chernovetskye, and wait for miracles - that the policies themselves and all poymut Some are aware of. Themselves not poymut. Then you need not to choose a vivid billboards or Calls призывам as one criteria - that the party and made a politician for Ukraine, for the people, not for himself personally.Looking oryentyrovatsya not zvonkye promises and coins, and reputation of those whom you yzbyraete. The other hand - you need изменить not only the leaders and parties. In the existing system through polhoda Submissions may be ysportytsya and new political forces. Then you need изменить system. To do this, the first, you need to put zhestkye заслоны political corruption - as AGAINST podkupa voters, and so podkupa deputies and the purchase of seats in the lists of parties. A second, you need to put under the control of society and legislative framework in the activities of parties, which are more vtorhayutsya in the scope of their public policies in the interest of and outside the legal field. Maybe here tselesoobrazno experience using a poslevoennoy France, which created a Institute of Public Service - which was otdelena from parties and served only the interest from Французского state. And third, you need to bring order to the area and Lobbyism публичных Finance (it - budget and taxes) - those most убрать monopoly over their individual political forces. Remains only one question - who and when this is sdelaet? What can provide a свои politicians to revise the position and gender on the new ones? Only one - pryntsypyalnaya Position voters, who will not Vote for those who обманывает and doing nothing for the country. As well as the ability of new politicians Strategic finds a compromise between themselves in the interest of the country and its Future, rather than fight for the place's own way "under солнцем. New policy will become the new sample policy in one case, if it will not repeat old mistakes. Which means not to go to shovor and civilized dialogue and build contract with society and with each other. Only such putem razbytuyu perhaps make a political way of Ukraine - a European wide motorway quality.
By Vitali Klitschko | ||
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