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Home » 2009 » September » 14 » Obama's heckler Rep. Joe Wilson isn't going to apologize - again
Obama's heckler Rep. Joe Wilson isn't going to apologize - again

WASHINGTON - Rep. Joe Wilson is sorry for calling President Obama a liar - sort of. And he's done apologizing.

The once-obscure South Carolina Republican was more defiant than penitent on Sunday, explaining he was "provoked" when Obama asserted in last Wednesday's primetime speech that his health care reform plan excludes illegal aliens from benefits.

"I believe in the truth," Wilson told "Fox News Sunday" in a rambling appearance. "What I heard was not true." Republicans contend that House bills barring benefits for illegal immigrants have no enforcement teeth.

House Democrats want Wilson to apologize on the chamber's floor this week. His refusal means they will likely introduce a "resolution of disapproval" rebuking his "You lie!" outburst, which even GOP leaders have said was way out of line.

Republican elders pressured Wilson into issuing a written mea culpa shortly after the speech, and he followed up with a phone call to the White House. That should be enough for anyone, the five-term congressman argued yesterday.

"I am not gonna apologize again," he said. "I have apologized to the President. I think that is sufficient."

Wilson explained he was caught up in "a town hall moment," channeling the passion generated by opponents of Obama's health plan at town hall meetings over the summer.

"I'm a civil person. I believe in civility on the [House] floor," Wilson said. "People know my civility. They know that this was a one-time event, and it was out of frustration."

On the other hand, he said, "I will not be muzzled. I'm going to be speaking on behalf of the American people, but I will be doing it very civilly."

Category: World | Views: 659 | Added by: magictr | Tags: Obama's, Rep | Rating: 0.0/0
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