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Home » 2009 » September » 2 » Mezhdugorya: What is to lodge opposition
Mezhdugorya: What is to lodge opposition

According to members of government building houses on the ruins of a monastery found in 1934 folio manuscript remained in the ground ... Traces library Yaroslav? ..

For more than eight decades the highest officials in Ukraine living estates built on the wreckage Mezhigirs'kogo ancient monastery and the monastic cemetery near Kyiv. I wrote about it again, now as a pretext for another publication prysluzhylosya recent orders Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, the return of the residence «mezhdugorya» property in the state.

What is hidden in the land mezhdugorya

Twenty-five years ago I first heard about the dramatic history Mezhigirs'kogo monastery founded by the Kievan princes, and a thousand years was destroyed by order ochilnykiv communist regime of Soviet Ukraine.

Large number of unique structures Spapljuzhenyj and removed the dust Bolshevik vandals.However, the monastery was designated a fury of Russian Empress Catherine II, because of the time it is here that contained a spiritual center hated Moscow Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. It seems that a decree of Empress eliminate monastery monks once zamuruvaly cells in the basement of their convent library.

These hidden manuscript books found in 30 of the last century during the construction of government houses on the site were planted in the air of the monastery.

On this incredible discovery told me once blessed memory of Nikolai Vizir, who then supervised collection of ancient manuscripts at the Central Scientific Library of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

What they were for the book? Without doubt, among them lay the Cossack chronicles royal hetman instrument, believed Nikolai. Or, maybe, some of the libraries of the Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who had a country estate in Vyshgorode - just five miles from Mezhigirs'kogo monastery. This is where the Grand Duke wrote «Russ Truth» - Code of Kievan Rus, probably using the legal codes of the Byzantine Empire and other European countries. It was there Jaroslav went to a better world, and why he was not a big zapovisty nearby monastery of those books by order of King rewrote and translated from Latin and Greek scientists monks?

However, according to members of government building houses on the ruins of a monastery found in 1934 handwritten tome remained underground.

This «Mezhigirs'ka secret» secret is really only for the society. However, she was known to many scientists and culture, which I had to talk about this. Among them - Boris Oleinik, Dmitry Pavlychko, Les Tanyuk, academics Peter Tronko Nikolai Zhulinsky Peter Tolochko. And of course, the swim was all Ukrainian magnates, who over the past eighty years, one by one lived in the estates of the government residence «mezhdugorya». Each of them probably expected to live there forever. So every next owner mezhdugorya ordered to demolish the house hated predecessor and deceive the new estate. Khrushchev, for example, ordered the demolition of the building Postysheva Shcherbytsky Khrushchev ordered to destroy the cottage.

Not violated the traditions and the current owner mezhdugorya, Party of Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych - the gray house Vladimir Shcherbitsky disappeared. In the government residence in the territory of almost 140 acres of the main "regionalization" obzhyvsya long, there constructing his cozy house, still holding the post of prime minister during the presidency of Kuchma. However, at the conclusion of prime term leave from the picturesque mezhdugorya Victor F. somehow refused and its tamoshnie chattel especially not spread.

Only once, in the spring before last year, Victor F. popiarytysya decided before the next parliamentary elections, and invited to his home team of journalists showed them some of his farm, talked and even played the guitar.

Hut opozitsionera

However, trymetrovyy deaf fence and closely guarding in the Internet era are no longer barriers to prying eyes. In the global network can easily find the image area Kyiv made satellite.

On the coast of the Kiev reservoir, just above the dam is visible territory mezhdugorya that shape resembles the island of Cyprus. In the larger picture stands and other facilities built residence of Victor Yanukovych, here given a thorough description of them. In addition to her own house, there is a bowling club, a sports center with tennis courts, swimming pools and fountains, artificial lake with waterfalls, playground for the helicopter, dock on the banks of the Dnieper, wine cellar and utility buildings - greenhouses, pumping station, homes for deployment of personnel - guards, gardeners and others.

According to approximate estimates of experts, the cost of land only residence «mezhdugorya» reaches 300 million dollars.

Selecting security men Balitsky

In early 1934 the Ukrainian SSR Sovnarcom decided to transfer the capital of the Republic of Kharkov, where the Soviet elite was in the Civil War, to Kyiv. Soon Peter's, Kosior, Postyshev, Zatonsky and other leaders of the then-Soviet Ukraine and looked curiously at the city. Party bosses were unpleasantly surprised by the many cathedrals and churches of Kyiv. Secretary of the CC CP (B) Paul Postyshev said that Kyiv has to be a proletarian city and places of worship spoil the shape of builders of communism.

Over the next few years in Kiev, blew up dozens of churches. Special Commission on the Elimination of places of worship led by the head of the NKVD Ukraine Balitsky. His Office was requested another important cause - finding a comfortable place near Kyiv for the construction of summer cottages new owners of the capital.

Not surprisingly, the rest partnomenklatury people's commissioner is elected mezhdugorya - picturesque tract on the banks of the Dnieper River, with three sides surrounded by green hills.

Thousand years ago, this magnificent places fell to the soul first and the Kiev Metropolitan Michael, who came to Prince Vladimir of Constantinople. By tradition, the Greek monks of the environment is founded St. Kyiv Mezhyhirskyi monastery peer Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.


Thanks to Nicholas vizier already mentioned in my written testimony preserved several participants in those events - the wife of Professor Hope-builder Alekseevna Damilovskoyi, architect construction unit Ukrainian GPU Nina Davydivny Manucharovoyi, Gustav Yefymivny Safonov, who worked in the management of the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine.

This is dramatic evidence of older people are difficult to suspect in the plot of the hoax. All they talk about the discovery of ancient books during the demolition of buildings Mezhigirs'kogo monastery.

Hope Damilovska: In the basement, found handwritten folio

"My husband, Professor Damilovskyy Nikolai, head of the department of architectural designs of the Kiev Art Institute. He consulted many new buildings in Kiev. In the spring of 1934 he was invited to head the commission, which is considering the possibility of rebuilding the monastery buildings Mezhigirs'kogo for members of the Government of Ukraine, which moved from Kharkiv to Kyiv.

Obstezhuyuchy foundation of one of the buildings, the committee encountered in the basement was filled with books. When some tome received and forwarded to my husband, he saw that it was bound manuscript book. Professor invited to inform them about the Academy of Sciences. However, the construction of representative categorically denied because the building was urgent and asked about the discovery to tell no one. "

Nina Manucharova: Hiding-places filled with books

When examining the foundation of buildings designed for giving Mr. Postysheva withdrawn under the floor was found hiding with old books in leather bindings. By order of the foreman, who was afraid to disrupt the timing of construction, the book left on the ground and hiding place filled.

Gustavo Safonov: Prisoners buried books

"There Mezhigirs'kogo monastery, where the government began building houses, my husband and I lived from 1934 to 1937 inclusive. He was chief engineer of the construction of government buildings in the Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. I worked there as a reviewer. Construction was in the competence of public safety.Commissar of State Security of Ukraine was then Balitsky. Chief government building houses was Zhuravytskyy security men, he wore buttonholes of three diamonds. His deputy was Lazarević Alexander Kaller, with two diamonds.

In 1934, my eyes fell on the wall Mezhigirs'kogo monastery. The first explosive charge only pohytnuv its walls, and only the second made it to the heap of stones. People from nearby villages have seen the crime, baptized and wept. All these works led my husband. Such was his position. He had to obey their rulers, for high rank hebistam, and they in turn were subject to the Secretary of the CC CP (b) of Ukraine Stanislav Kosior.

In early 1935 began excavations, ishlo redevelopment area for the construction of houses for Kosiora, Paul Postysheva Grigory Petrovsky, and other rulers of the Ukrainian lands ...

It's 1937. Has long followed the arrests. Every night with some friends disappear. Then I was pregnant, the man would not leave my apartment in the city itself. Bezvyyizno I lived on the government giving Kosiora who stopped there to come.

One Saturday evening in the area of houses entered prison black car and stopped near the cottage Kosiora. With it came the two detainees. I stood by the window in the dark room and saw these people removed from the handcuffs. Accompanied 5.6 ordinary hebistiv, deputy chief of the construction of Keller, the chief prison Lukyanovskaya Michael Gutman and my husband are headed to the woods. I'm nervous for men and about two hours of the night came in the yard, took a little and saw all of them near the pricked-out pit. My husband explained how to wrap each book in the roofing felt (building material) to pitch prevented water damage books, he said that the clay in which they were buried, has a special quality and provide long-term preservation of books.

On Monday morning I went to that place. It was September dusty yellow leaves. Near spruce my high heels came in fresh soil. There was a garden bench, paint on it has not dried up.

The man then told me that the two prisoners were shot as they returned to prison.

These testimonies will add another fact more ancient history. It is known that the Moscow Patriarch Ioakym, who once took in mezhdugorya monasheskyy monk, 50 years of the XVII century monastery sent a gift of some books, and in the accompanying letter he wrote: «In pryraschenie къ наслъдію Yaroslav». First, the inscription indicates that Ioakym knew about the existence of the monastery library of books, somehow related to Yaroslav the Wise.

Spiritual Center Zaporozhians

The fact that Mezhyhirskyi library saved a lot of books and documents relating to a minimum, with the Cossack era, is known exactly. In the mid-seventeenth century, after the destruction of Polish army Cossack Trakhtemyriv monastery in mezhdugorya moved the spiritual center of Orthodox Zaporizhia Army. Sich parish since belonged to the competence Mezhigirs'kogo clergy. By special agreement Mezhyhirskyi Archimandrite annually vidryadzhav priests for service in the church cover Sich Cossacks and other temples. Cossacks generously shared with the Monastery military prey, regularly sent spiritual fathers cattle wagons with fish, salt, grain and other purveyance, made solid contributions in money, gave valuable religious items and clothing, helped decorate and build a monastery.

Yes, built in the basket Kalnyshevskyy mezhdugorya their money belfry, murovanu gate, and above it in the name of the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Bogdan Khmelnitsky and other hetmans gave the monastery grounds and villages. In mezhdugorya acted and Cossack military hospital, which kept the expense Sichovih treasury. It spent his last years summer Zaporizhians that followed the monastery walls «save one's soul» in prayer.

Gift edition of autographs

Often the monastery gave the book «atonement for sins» or «to eternal remembrance». A well-known church leader, historian and writer Innocent Innokentiy (1600-1683) bequeathed his huge Mezhyhiria monastery library, which gathered all his life. Interestingly, Innokentiy decided to add it Mezhigirs'ka publishing collection, not the library, for instance, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, which he had headed the office of the Rector or the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which was later Archimandrite.

Some of the books Mezhigirs'ka library, though scattered throughout the world, still come to our times. For example, in the Krasnodar boundary value stored library some books that were once the property Mezhigirs'kogo monastery. Among them - the Gospel, which, according to Ukrainian cursive inscription, «купилъ Eustathius Gogol Colonel troops Zaporozhskoho ... and for otpuschenie грєховъ придалъ house ».

Ukrainian pantheon

Subsequently, Colonel Gogol (Incidentally, primogenitor great writer) was a hetman, and his days ended, the Cossack tradition, is still in mezhdugorya. This presents another entry in the same Gospel, made January 7, 1697: «Погребенъ aye vo Monastir Общежительномъ Mezhyhorsko-Кіевськомъ in the Lord's Transfiguration Church in the crypt, Pious and Orthodox рабъ God Eustathius Gogol гетьманъ troops His Royal mercy Zaporozhskoho».Then an unknown author in the fields of several pages provides a list of these treasures, which gave the hetman monastery «in perpetuity». Among them - the altar of the Gospel in costly salaries, silver goblet, glass and cross silver hetman's mace, and a military horsetail banner, sword, hetman cap image of the Virgin in salary with pearls.

Under the stone slabs Mezhigirs'kogo White Savior found last refuge legendary Colonel Semen Paliy, Hetman Samus and many other prominent Zaporozhians. It was a real Ukrainian Pantheon.

Wrath of the Empress

Проте духовний патронаж над козаками робив Межигірський монастир украй небезпечним для московського царату. Повноваження монастиря поступово звужувалися. Із падінням Січі йому було заборонено надсилати священиків на землі Запорожжя. Під час візиту до Києва у квітні 1784 року імператриця Катерина ІІ виявила бажання оглянути Межигірський монастир. Тієї ж ночі в обителі виникла пожежа. Подейкували, що монастир підпалили старі запорожці, які доживали там свого віку.

Розгнівана цариця заборонила відновлювати пошкоджені вогнем споруди й скасувала монастир, а його землі та угіддя відійшли до царської казни. Межигірських ченців та духовенство перевели спочатку до Криму, а потім – на Кубань, до Катеринодара (нині – Краснодар). Саме вони й привезли туди згадані вище фоліанти.

Later in mezhdugorya found considerable deposits of quality clay, and built there the greatest empire in the porcelain factory. You did an exquisite glassware and ceramic decorations, and a flat refractory bricks, which set out the furnace in all of Kyiv old buildings still called «mezhyhirkoyu».

The monastery was restored late nineteenth century, and institute of Soviet power in Ukraine, it closed again, this time forever.

On the wide fame of the monastery and reminds Mezhigirs'ka street that starts from the contract area at the hem. Once there roztashovuvalosya representation, or the modern - the central office of the monastery in Kiev.

From election to election

But let's go back to modern day. Autumn breeze again rozhoyduye election slogans hanging on the streets of Kiev. And I remember that during the last election, September 7, 2007, weekly «Correspondent» published an editorial column by Yulia Tymoshenko called «Honestly about the main», where the opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko rozmirkovuvala on urgent problems of illegal privatization.

«Everything that brazenly stolen from the state, should be returned to the country», - said while Ms Tymoshenko. And together with other dark transaction, then the government noted that «Viktor Fyodorovich pryhlyanulasya state residence mezhdugorya - right now he is trying to pass it on balance NAC« Nadra Ukraine »to further privatization, and together with rests of the same monastery».

In recent days his government Viktor Yanukovych still managed to do it. But two months later, at the beginning of the government of Yulia Tymoshenko, one of the first decisions the new Cabinet was the abolition of regulations on the transfer of precursors to the balance of NAC «Nadra Ukraine» government residence. «We have 140 hectares of land returned to the state. This - mezhdugorya », - said triumphantly when the prime minister said. But Julia somewhat poharyachkuvala. Victor F. and still live at high Mezhyhirskyi fence.

And so now, in the ruthless struggle for the presidency leader Yulia Tymoshenko does not morhnuvshy eye again potsilyuye main competitor in piercing the scandal surrounding questionable privatization of the government residence. Mezhdugorya become a political weapon threateningly. Is there time to engage in conversation about any scientific archaeological expedition?

Through Ruins

... The entrance to the village of New Petrovtsy draw right promynayu mark «no entry» and slowly leaving ascent-done paved the way to Mezhyhirskyi houses for decades traveled so many government cars - «Emky» Postisheva and Kosiora, « Seagulls »Khrushchev and Shcherbytskyi,« Mercedes »Kuchma and Yanukovych. Black, sleek and mourning as the hearse ...

This really is something mourning.

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