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Home » 2009 » September » 2 » Feverishly discipline Ukrainian government
Feverishly discipline Ukrainian government

Government of Ukraine has a chronic problem - failing task. About 100 orders given to ministries and central authorities are not implemented on time. It's - kitchen bureaucratic leadership of the country that does not afishuyetsya. On it are not reported at press conferences, because it does not zlipysh PR.

Talking about outstanding orders ministers identified acts of the Cabinet minutes of the meeting in Tymoshenko, Yushchenko appeals, laws and regulations of the Verkhovna Rada.

If one ministry improves their behavior, etc. - worsens.

Monthly meeting of government ministers to hand out information about them violated the terms of orders. They are preparing management control of the Cabinet Secretariat. This information is not public.

Yes, recently the Ministry of offending by the number of outstanding tasks on time divided as follows:

AuthorityAt 25.08At 18.08At 11.08
Ministry of Agrarian Policy2210
Ministry of Coal Industry111
Ministry of Economy21
Ministry of Housing665
Ministry of Emergency Situations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs1
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Department of Defense91423
Ministry of Education and Science357
Ministry of Health1
Ministry of Environment355
Ministry of Fuel and Energy1411
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy222
Ministry of Industrial Policy343
Ministry of Regional Development and Construction11
Ministry of Transport and Communications13
Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports74
Ministry of Finance898
Ministry of Justice242
Other authorities (attached)334324

Among other things, "Ukrainian Truth" found the task that is overdue by more than four months!

So, earlier this year acquired the force of law on the prevention of the global financial crisis on the construction industry.

In the final provisions of the law was a condition - three months after entry into force of the law to take acts necessary for its implementation.

In particular, spoke about borrowing, through which the National Bank and / or the state mortgage agency funded to kombankov to those provided to citizens credits for the completion of housing.

The law came into force on 14 January.

January 30 First Deputy Prime Turchinov government issued orders to make a draft decision agreed by Cabinet. Execution term - 12 March.

Ministry of Finance said: "Law on the budget provided by trust funds. Given this, the procedure does not require development.

However, the Finance Ministry proposed to direct the funds to replenish the Stabilization Fund authorized capital of state banks to provide the citizens of those mortgages.

March 13 Turchinov agreed to this proposal and instructed the Finance Ministry to make a draft decision by the Government.

A month later the Ministry of Finance informed the Cabinet that they can prepare a resolution to the government only after the consent of the supervisory boards of banks to increase the authorized capital.

Finally, May 21, Sberbank said the Cabinet to increase its authorized capital.

May 26 Turchinov instructed the Finance Ministry to introduce a draft decision by the Government. At this point, deadline, the task was initiated at 43 days.

But after this document zavysnuv in the department of financial markets, the Finance Ministry. Term violations reached 120 days.

Thus, the established principle in the world of mortgages is not valid. Instead of granting loans to citizens and developers, state mortgage agency simply Give unfinished apartments on the market to distribute their benefit recipients.

Cabinet Minister Peter Krupko confirmed that ministers perform the task on time."Assignments are many, and if they are not met, then often that ministers can not agree.

One of the ministers told the "Ukrainian Pravda that government officials often receive advance authorization unrealistic:" Most of the financing of certain programs - and ultimately the Ministry of Finance is responsible, that these need no money. "

Bureaucratic machine live in their laws - in fact a private corporation can not imagine that there were 100 outstanding orders on time.

However, the government old-timers say that the current figure - it's normal rate, because formerly there were 200 tasks, the implementation of which was overdue.

"Why are you surprised us with in 1996 failed constitution that required the adoption of special laws!" - Is the head of the secretariat of the Cabinet Peter Krupko.

Category: World | Views: 1282 | Added by: magictr | Tags: goverment, Tymoshenko, Ukraine | Rating: 0.0/0
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